
netlabel & publishing outlet for digital media; music, art, images, corrupted files, passworded files, etc.

inspired by Летов & Летпав


(note that some file hosts used to host these releases may be down, or might be blocked by your ISP. use a VPN/proxy if the result is the latter. release dates are rendered in YYYY-MM-DD.)

2025-01-20 - П0051

2025-01-14 - П0050. 936 - ⭐

2025-01-08 - П0049. A.U.I. - Poem 1

2025-01-08 - П0048. Zn - Absolute Recount

2025-01-08 - includes 18+ artwork/files - П0047. Arissa AUI - 3 seconds of silence

2025-01-08 - П0046. Lord Blasphemer - Conquering the Bible

2025-01-07 - П0045. 936 - I ATE 5 POTATOES TODAY

2025-01-07 - П0044

2025-01-06 - П0043. Arissa Franklin - FF43B

2025-01-06 - П0042. Minecraft - Minecraft

2025-01-06 - includes 18+ artwork/files - П0041. Репер - гонево

2025-01-04 - П0040

2025-01-04 - П0039. A Cat and a Bunny - FL50pLCo

2025-01-04 - П0038

2025-01-04 - П0037. Poop of Heaven - Shit

2025-01-04 - П0036

2025-01-04 - П0035

2025-01-03 - П0034

2025-01-03 - П0033. COM Surrogate - Loop Is Matrix

2025-01-03 - П0032. Merzlux/Even Brighter Death Now - Weed Problem 3

2025-01-03 - П0031. Репер - Untitled4

2025-01-03 - П0030

2025-01-02 - П0029. репер - г рарарара

2025-01-02 - П0028. bad metal - untitled

2025-01-02 - П0027. Arissa Franklin - Secret Releases in Her Head

2025-01-02 - П0026

2025-01-02 - П0025

2025-01-02 - П0024

2025-01-02 - П0023

2025-01-01 - П0022. Merzlux - Silence 05

2024-12-31 - П0021. Black Boss - Untitled

2024-12-31 - П0020. Tiholaz - Neotantra

2024-12-31 - П0019

2024-12-31 - П0018. Feral witness - multiverse Bible memory

2024-12-29 - П0017

2024-12-18 - П0016. ;'; - howhowhowhowhowhowhwohwohwhowhowhowhowhowhowhowhowhowhowhowhowhohwohohwohohwohowhohowhohwohowhohwohowhohwohwohowhowhowhowhowh

2024-12-09 - П0015. Ylanyard - Music Is Done

2024-12-02 - П0014

2024-11-23 - П0013. mae - Koala (mae's amateur breakcore remix)

2024-11-23 - П0012

2024-11-23 - П0011. Lord Blasphemer - Nuclear Freedom (In Loops)

2024-11-16 - П0010

2024-11-15 - П0009

2024-11-12 - П0008. jaiden morgan macintosh - We're sorry, but it appears that some requests from your computer might be coming from automated scripts, viruses, or malware, or you might be loading pages too quickly for our servers to keep up.

2024-11-?? - П0007. minecraft bullshit

2024-11-02 - includes 18+ artwork/files - П0006. videoplayback - 007: MPkXp56YzC8

2024-10-19 - П0005. 🦊 - guitar for your new label

2024-10-17 - П0004. 🦊 / 🐰 - 🦊 / 🐰

2024-10-15 - П0003

2024-10-14 - П0002. Kaka of Heaven - Untitled

2024-10-13 - П0001. Column Space - This Release Will Get 0 Downloads Because It Was Released On Петров